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Fruitful Week

It had been a very good last week for me.

Not just because i can be in sync with things or maybe i should say the life i like. Last Sunday, i helped out in another pet event (i get paid thou). A cat show. I like cats. Basically i like all mammals and will love to have a cat to add to my little animal family (my younger sis is called pig mother so you can imagine how many animals my family has).

Surprisingly, this is also my first cat show! I ever went to one and frankly, it's so different from a dog show! You people should just get ur butt off your house and visit a cat show! Besides the normal showing (i find that boring, sorrie, cat and dog showers), there was a competition for best crate design!! Many were so unique, so nice! I don't mind sleeping in it!! I have ever managed to squeeze into a four feet cage. Lol.

Of course, there are the cats on show. Pedigree cats!! Some look like some of you guys and gals wouldn't like and will start wif a loud Eeeeeeeeee. But most cats have a certain personality. Even if it's a cat you don't like physically, you will still be amazaed wiith a soft fluffy heart when it comes up to you and purr~

It was very fun especially when i can be in touch with the pet owners and show my expertise to them. I may not have much experience on cats but i have read extensively on them. At least it's something!! lol

Anyway, besides fulfiling the little animal in me, this week was eventful when i saw a few friends whom i haven't see in ages!! Just last sunday for the cat event, i saw my poly mate, Sarah and another ex vet assistant who is studying a vet course in Philippines, her name is also Sarah!

And i happened to meet up with a few customers i knew from the pet shop (which i quit over a yr ago). When i go for Comex in Suntec, i saw ex colleagues, Shirleena, Li May and Gordon! And i also coincidentally met a secondary school mate, Cindy who is a year my senior. And yesterday, i saw another friend, Charles, in NTU when i went there for some personal matter. He is my NS friend whom i haven seen for 2 years! Gosh, evenful eventful. But i did learn something….

A few commented i have gained weight…. Sianz…… I haven't really been bingeing recently… But nevermind, i started jogging yesterday! Six packs, COME TO ME!!!

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