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Holiday bling

My Christmas tree and I both have clutter issues, which become evident this time of year. But one advantage of holiday clutter is that, generally, you can get away with dusting it only once --- when it goes back in boxes.

Favorite Christmas cards were manufactured in Germany for the Scandinavian market sometime around the turn of the 20th century, and circulated originally among Norwegians where I used to live.

Elsewhere, the Holy Family, a gardener elf and the Buddha get along quite nicely, thank you.

I used to collect depictions of St. Nicholas. I'm not sure why. There's room to bring only a few of these out most years.

The tree is height challenged --- it's very small, but looks taller if I sit under it and look upward. I used to have as many as three trees.

An angel presides at the top.

Other angels fly elsewhere.

Ornaments are packed onto it as tightly as possible. Only the bling and several home-mades (by others with more skill, not me) have been unpacked this year.

Eat your heart out, Mary Stierwalt. Here's my flag for the day, purchased during the first gulf war, I'm sure, when everything seemed to be wrapped in red, white and blue.

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