Lucas County Historical Society annual meeting notices went into the mail yesterday, thanks to Kay U., Kathleen, Helen and Jaynane. So here's a more general invitation, just in case you're not on that particular mailing list.
Membership is not required to attend, by the way. The business meeting is mercifully brief --- and the coffee and pie served after the program always are good. So enter 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 23, on your calendar.
I should have noted, when putting this part of the notice together, than the principal illustration is Orr C. Fisher's wonderful "The Corn Parade" New Deal mural, located in the post office in Mount Ayr, Lucas County's neighbor some distance to the southwest. Here's a link to an earlier post that contains more about the mural and the artist.
The annual meeting of the historical society board was held Tuesday, in conjunction with its regular April meeting. The society is governed by a 16-member board that includes four officers. The board consists of Adam Bahr (vice-president), Martin Buck, Lucinda Burkhalter (secretary), Nash Cox, Kylie Dittmer, Raymond Meyer (treasurer), Dan Minkoff, Ann Moon, Dan Morrett, Frank Myers (president), Jim Secor, Joe Sellers, Jennifer Snook-Hall, Fred Steinbach, Helen Thompson and Bob Ulrich.